Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Americans Strike Back

This blog is called "Shock Polls: Americans Back Strike on Iran if Nuke Talks Fail" by David Paul Kuhan. David writes about what the Americans' beliefs and what they want on the topic of preventing Iran to build nuclear weapons. He is writing on the Americans' point of view. David’s conflict is the Americans pressure to strike Iran’s nuclear facilities. For example he said that "The Pew Research Center reported Tuesday that about six in 10 Americans support a military strike if nuclear negotiations break down." The Pew Research Center also reported "that 64 percent of Americans say that negotiations will not alone convince Iran to give up its nuclear program, mimicking Fox's poll results last week " He got some information based on two polls. He backed up his evidence by telling where he got it and what the polls reported. I think David should give us more data on the poll to give the reader more detail about it. In the blog it sound like the Americans are worried about what happening Iran. David write about what the Americans want like to have a “direct talks with Tehran. But now two polls show a strong majority also believes talks will eventually fail. And if they do fail, Americans want their military to use force to keep Iran from building the bomb." He also backed it up by bring up the polls. David is trying to let the Americans to have a voice on the war and what going on there. I like how the writer used the Americans’ opinion. I think David's credibility is alright. He told us where he got the data and told us some information about it.

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