Friday, September 25, 2009

Mississippi’s Problem

This editorial is called "Mississippi’s Failure" by a New York Times writer. The author wrote about how the states spend 50 percent of money on low and moderate income families, but the state managed to get waivers and spend the money on different projects. The author is trying to reach out to the people who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina and people who want to repair their house that had been hit by the hurricane. The writer's credibility is hard to say because there is a quote but it did not say who said it. The writer gave an example about a guy who has been sleeping in a FEMA trailer because his home has been destroyed and it is not repair. It's seems that the writer give good evidence. The writer gives numbers and good facts. Also it was logical and clear. I agree with what the writer wrote because you can't spend money on projects when the money is supposed to go to rebuild homes.

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