Thursday, November 19, 2009


To tell you the truth, I am always jumping back and forth to both sides about having abortion should be illegal or legal. Whenever I think about abortion should be illegal, I know that adoption is a good choice but there is a chance that not a lot of children get adopted. It will be good for child to grow up in environment with two parents and a stable home rather than a single parent. There is a chance a single parent can raise a child as good as a child grow up with two parent.

I feel that life begins at conception. There is something growing in a woman and the fetus will develop into a human being. It is a part of you. A fetus can develop into a baby and I don’t think I can end kill a fetus because it count as a cute little baby.

I think that if something has a heart beat they can count as human being. During the second month of the pregnancy, the baby starts to take more of a human form, the head grows, facial features start to form, hands and feet start to develop and its muscles begin to grow. By the end of the second month a heartbeat can be picked up.

On the other hand, if abortion would legal, that would help someone, who is raped. It is better for them not to be reminding them what happened that day. If someone, who was just being careless and stupid and ended up getting pregnant, I feel that they have the right to have an abortion because what if they are not capable of raising a baby? Would the baby safe and have a good life? I don’t think someone, who is careless and stupid and ended up getting pregnant is not capable to support a baby.

They could put the baby up for adoption but I think it would be a good benefit for the child not to go through adoption because what if the adopted parents don’t want the child or for some other reasons and the child have to go back to the adoption agency. The child might grow up into an adult without being adopted and growing up at the agency. The child might grow up with some emotional problems. I know I am going against what I said earlier, but anything could happen to the baby. We can’t predict what going to happen or how the baby will be affected, if the baby is adopted or not. I don’t think I can ever choose, but I think that in the end it is all up to the woman. It’s their choice.

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