Friday, December 4, 2009

Bring our Troops Home

On a blog called, “Get ‘em the hell outta’ there! ”, S. Williams understands that removing the troops from Afghanistan is not easy for Obama. She expressed that she wished that our troops would go home. I found the post to be quite interesting. The author’s post was her opinion based on an article in the NY Times about how President Obama is sending more troops. S. Williams wrote that “President Obama doesn’t just make a phone call and say, “Ok, it’s over. Round ‘em up, we’re closing down shop and everyone’s coming home!” She was looking into President Obama’s point of view. When President Obama decided to run for president he knew that it would not be that easy to end the war and I bet most of the people knew it too. In the public’s eyes it seems that he is not trying to send them home. Let just hope this is part of his plan to get the troops home.

I agreed with her that it does feel “the U.S. spends a lot of unnecessary time trying to help “fix” other countries’ problems.” I think we should leave them alone. We have our own problems here. The people in Afghanistan do not want us there to begin with.

I see that this war was unnecessary and I don’t know why we are still there. There has been “a LOT of unnecessary bloodshed in Afghanistan over the years” that could be avoided.

I don’t understand the last paragraph in this post. When she wrote, “It seems a bit disrespectful. You may choose to address your father-in-law by “Mr.”, but not the President of the United States. He has worked hard and has earned the title of President. So let’s show him a little respect. I don’t recall any of the previous presidents being referred to as “Mr. Bush” or “Mr. Clinton”. This is where a little question mark that lights up in my head. I know that this is her opinion and she respects President Obama.

The last paragraph shows that this is bothering her when people “refer to President Obama as, “Mr. Obama”!!” I don’t understand how this relates to President Obama’s decision on sending more troops home or her opinion on getting them out.

On the other hand, she did some research and “found this to be the case in most (if not all) of the political articles and blogs. [She have] read online regarding President Obama.”